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District eNews Edition 12, June 2024
First:    Click here to see the video  https://vimeo.com/955061169  or
              Click on the 'District eNews image' below to
see the video
Then:  Click here for District eNews Links for June
Select the links that interest you and, if you like, forward links to others
To submit an article for District eNews please see the link for preparing your content and emailing to newsletter@rotary9510.org

All the links for each month are stored on one single web page, so if you would like to review a document from a previous month, simply pick the link and click. 
Meanwhile, please tune into my tenth ZOOM DG Talkback on Sunday, June 16th at 7:00pm details on Events List on the District Website.
DG Craig
June eNews 2024
June is designated Rotary Fellowships Month
June is designated Rotary Fellowships Month to recognize the importance of international fellowship and goodwill among Rotarians with similar recreational and vocational interests, promote increased participation in fellowships, and increase understanding of this program.
Rotary Fellowships are international groups that share a common passion. Being part of a fellowship is a fun way to make friends around the world, explore a hobby or profession, and enhance your Rotary experience.
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